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  • Hi Rick,
    Was it you who put a Spanish guy named Jesus my way?

    Want's to import a Nova into Spain or register it here.
    I advised him on several ways to go about it, all very expensive and unlikely to end in a result so I suggested he dropped it and waited for a road legal car.
    Hi Rick,
    Just had this from dan on the Euro-Nova,
    "As everyone knows, my aim when I started Euro-Nova was to build the biggest and most comprehensive owners forum for the Nova/Sterling and all variants. This is the reason I am so open to merging with other forums that are suffering from reduced activity/members. I am happy to consider a merger between any forum for this variety of kitcar in order to keep it alive and give a centralized location for all to post their updates/receive help and advice. If the sterling forums do end up suffering from a decline in postings or volunteers to maintain I would be happy to discuss. It is a little worrying to read Rick's post regarding the webmaster not being a part of the forum for years. Euro-Nova is hosted on a high speed reliable server with various guarantees, we also have a little excess storage in order to host seperate files when needed."
    Hey got a quick question. Can you ask Dave if there is a discount for a pod dash with two pods without the center console. He has it separated out but the cost for three parts is way more than the price for all four. I don't really need the center console but I'll buy the set if I have to.

    I have my original dash but I like the pod style look. Thoughts?

    Also what do you think about the headlight covers? Do they look good on or off. I haven't seen a sterling in person so I can't make an assumption as to whether to get some or not. I have the old ones that came on my car but they are warped and not much good.

    Hi Rick, Dunno what I've done but the page has gone too wide, like nearly double screen width so I have to scroll to see the right hand side. what I do bad man?
    Hi Rick,
    Dunno. Might be all timing. The price is certainly right, you'll just have to see if anyone bites for a project of that magnitude.
    Hey Rick; don't understand the absence of inquiries. All other cars for sale get all kinds of hits. Too much info?? Too cheap?? Too honest?? I've decided I have to narrow my "field of dreams" & shake out projects. later-Rick
    Rick; THANKS. Been busy as heck. I usually reply in the "new posts" section. And yes, our computer is tango-uniform, so just maybe my post r being sent elsewhere. Still not doing any car work, won't for sometime. Gotta finish the house first, then the cat house,
    tons of yard work too. Rick
    Hey Rick; I've posted to a couple threads, logged out, come back a day or so later & I can't find that thread. Am I screwing up or R there other places that they get moved to?
    Never knew these cars can be so out of wack side-to-side & etc. Cimbrias the same? Rick
    I was wondering if you know how wide and thick the mounting flange is on a sterling. I have been talking with Chuck about his Sebring body think I may have a solution
    Hey Rick; Was just wondering what the pic is on your post , are there two cars? Just curious. Thanks for all you do for dummies(me!). Rick
    have things changed, I don't see quick links anymore and I keep getting a message apparently from Adobe saying there is a newer version of player available, which there isn't as I am right up to date.
    did the smileys come with the forum or did you find them, always looking for GIFS to copy, they are so much fun and I am working on the new Proboards V5 forum so want to make an impact. Love to opening video, would like to do something like it on ours. did you get the link request for the EOC site,Index ?
    regards peter
    How bad are the optical issues on the windsheild?? I am always looking for a deal if you wanted to sell it. Also let me know if I can help with the costs of the tent or anything else. I do not have a lot but I am sure I could spare a hundred if needed.
    *Nearly complete Sterling in Ohio* do you know the engine specs on this vehicle? im deffenitly interested being as its the same EXACT make as mine, body,color,and engine looks almost the same as mine from what little i can see and would love to have 2 of these guys
    Yeah. You'll see GoogleBot once in a while as well. It's simply part of the SEO for the site that enables search engines to target the site better. It does not track individual user information.
    Have you noticed under guests logged on there is one that says msnspyderbot.
    You do know that is a program that tracks where we have been and what we have searched for.
    Rick do you think you could send me some full size pictures of the black cimbria that has three images listed in the history section. I think that I may paint mine black as well.
    Thanks Dale
    Hey Rick I am still waiting for a reply from the convertible top guys. I told them what specs I wanted and they are going to send me a quote. They said the pump I have would work fine with their cylinders. I will let you know which way I go when I get the quote.
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