Honorary Admin
I'm fortunate enough to work with more than a dozen departments in my area lettering the police and support vehicles. Years ago when I had finished my first car...well, almost. It was painted, but the interior still needed work, I was telling my township chief about it. He is a big Corvette fan, and couldn't quite wrap his head around the description of the car, even with photos from the old Nova site and the then very new National site. So, I asked him to bring his car in one day and I'll bring mine over (as I'm less than a mile from the police station).
He called me at the end of the day during shift change (roughly 4:30), and I went over. I could see from the road that there were at least 8 officers in the parking lot with the chief, awaiting this weird thing that he couldn't describe. As I burbled up to the group of officers, each one with a big grin, I didn't pop the top quite yet. I shut the engine off and simply talked through the windows which were tipped open, and the T-top (which I didn't have inserts for). Of course, they asked how I got in and out, as the canopy lines don't give any indication of a door. Hitting the button, the top rose under the hydraulic pressure and a gale of laughter and ''you've got to be kidding''s from the group of officers. Being a mostly younger group, they weren't really familiar with kit cars, but nobody believed it was a VW under the skin. Flipping open the engine hatch, my Chief said "there's no way that's a VW. It just doesn't sound like it!" With dual cannons, no, it didn't, but there was no denying the fact!
Short story, but one I enjoy telling. My chief has moved to Scottsdale to mind the rich people in Paradise Valley, but we do keep in touch. I can't wait to show him this latest version...maybe I'll even drive it out there!
He called me at the end of the day during shift change (roughly 4:30), and I went over. I could see from the road that there were at least 8 officers in the parking lot with the chief, awaiting this weird thing that he couldn't describe. As I burbled up to the group of officers, each one with a big grin, I didn't pop the top quite yet. I shut the engine off and simply talked through the windows which were tipped open, and the T-top (which I didn't have inserts for). Of course, they asked how I got in and out, as the canopy lines don't give any indication of a door. Hitting the button, the top rose under the hydraulic pressure and a gale of laughter and ''you've got to be kidding''s from the group of officers. Being a mostly younger group, they weren't really familiar with kit cars, but nobody believed it was a VW under the skin. Flipping open the engine hatch, my Chief said "there's no way that's a VW. It just doesn't sound like it!" With dual cannons, no, it didn't, but there was no denying the fact!
Short story, but one I enjoy telling. My chief has moved to Scottsdale to mind the rich people in Paradise Valley, but we do keep in touch. I can't wait to show him this latest version...maybe I'll even drive it out there!