I haven't been able to get as much time on the Sterling lately due to other obligations, but what time I have been able to spend on it has been...frustrating.
I've tried starting it...almost 20 times. I thought I heard it "cough" last time, but can't be sure.
The battery/starter turns the engine over, a spark tester indicates spark, I can SEE new non-ethanol gas squirting into the primaries, I'm breathing in the same room so I know there is oxygen...so why won't it start? what am I missing?
Maybe timing? check plug wire order. OK.
take off the crankshaft cover plate and index the crank so #1 cyl is at TDC. rotate the rotor 180d. nope.
Battery, wiring, plugs, plug wires, fuel, fuel lines, carb...all BRAND NEW. only "weak link" is the used HEI distributor I bought somewhere a dozen years ago.
Ok...buy a NEW distributor. nope. rotate the rotor again. nope.
pull the plugs, check compression. meh...
#1 = 150 psi
#2 = 90 psi
#3 = 150 psi
#4 = 170 psi
#5 = 150 psi
#6 = 220 psi
#7 = 150 psi
#8 = 150 psi
reinstall spark plugs...overtighten #4. grab reading glasses to check "correct" setting on torque wrench. DAMMIT!! old man eyes just cost me $60, 3 hours and my first experience with a Heli-Coil. It worked!
But it still won't start. NO point in working on it anymore if it won't start. I hate engines; I'm a frame/wiring guy. I've done this dance before and it never ends well. I'm NOT rebuilding the engine or putting in a new one. If it won't start, it's time to cut my losses and free up the garage space.